Episode 05: How Mold Assessment and Remediation Work Hand-in-Hand

When it comes to mold assessment and remediation, there are several misconceptions around why each job needs to be done by separate, independently qualified companies. A trustworthy remediation company shouldn’t and won’t begin a project without a protocol developed by an independent third-party mold assessor. Even though each process deals with mold, one company performing both services on the same job creates a conflict of interest.
In short, a mold assessment involves detailed investigation and sampling of indoor air and/or surfaces to help determine if there is a concern and if remediation is needed. Even if visible mold is present, the extent of required remediation is unknown without testing samples. Not all mold problems are the same, and valuable data is collected, so assessment and remediation can successfully work together to stop mold from coming back again.
In today’s episode of the Secret Life of Mold, host Craig Cooper is joined by Mike Marshall, Chief Operating Officer from Mold Inspection Sciences Texas, and Robby Jackson, General Manager of Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT. Mike and Robby bring together the worlds of remediation to discuss what each company does and how their two teams, working together, can comprehensively help solve a mold problem, ultimately meeting and exceeding a client’s needs.
We’re proud to partner with Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT of Austin. It’s an honor to collaborate with such an outstanding team. Thank you, Robby, for sharing your valuable insights.

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Big Three from Episode 05:
- Mold assessments and remediation are equally important in their own right. They are two different processes that should be kept separate, yet when used in a collaborative effort can help solve a mold issue and help return your life to normal.
- A mold assessment is a detailed inspection and sampling to help determine if remediation is necessary. Mold remediation, is a specialized process that involves the containment, removal and cleaning of mold or mold-contaminated materials.
- We have one job and it’s simple, help protect our client’s health, well-being, and returning their lives back to normal.
Time-stamped Show Notes:
0:52 – Who is Blackmon-Mooring & BMS CAT?
3:09 – How did Robby get involved with mold remediation?
6:07 – What does a remediation company do?
9:04 – How is a mold remediation company different than a mold inspection company?
10:29 – Can mold inspection company do remediation and vice versa?
11:40 – How is a remediation protocol developed?
12:40 – What does the remediation company use the protocol for?
14:20 – How else does a mold assessment and remediation company work together?
15:30 – Mike and Robby share how the process on residential homes
19:10 – Mike and Robby discuss what the mold assessment and remediation relationship looks like for commercial projects
Resources/Tools/Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Mold Inspection vs. Remediation
The Basics of Mold Remediation Part I
The Basics of Mold Remediation Part II
The Basics of Mold Remediation Part III